
Marriage is a time, when a couple look at their lives, and decide that they want to make a solemn commitment to one another for for the rest of their lives.  

It is a time when promises are made publicly, in front of friends and family, and within these promises we think about how the bride and groom will live their lives in love and relationship with one another, we ask the friends and family to support them in these promises, but... 

Within a church wedding we go further than this, we also make the promises in the sight of God who knows the secrets of our hearts, and within that, we ask God to help us, in all of what life has to throw at us.

For many it is the weight of these promises and the traditional feel of the service which so many couples are looking for, friends and family may not always be with them... but God is.

Within the church, we don't aim to make money off our marriage services, but we do seek to cover our costs, which makes us much more competitive financially on what can already be, quite a financially challenging time. 
Our costs start at around £600 all inclusive and it's up to you what else you want to add.   

If you would like to get married, the next best thing is to contact our minister and ask for a look around, the most important thing after the proposal is to ask "how will it feel to get married in this place", and you will only know that from standing there and seeing it first hand.

A few common questions:

Please contact Rev Rich Hackett using the button below.